Tuesday, June 6, 2023

June Product Spotlight

 Happy June, Trendy Twine friends!

This month is all about red and blue as we spotlight two of our wonderful Trendy Twine colors -- Stars and Stripes and Berries Jubilee. Stars and Stripes is a lovely twist of red, white, and navy blue.; Berries Jubilee is a beautiful red and navy twine. Both of these are perfect for your summer crafting and packaging -- especially if you are working on 4th of July projects. 

Stars & Stripes Trendy Twine

Berries Jubilee Trendy Twine

These colors are also available in the Stars & Stripes Trendy Twine Sampler and the Berries Jubilee Sampler. Our Samplers are a great way to add to your twine collection. Each color is ten yards in length and is wound on a wooden clothespin for easy use and storage. 

We've also go two other awesome red and navy Samplers

Here are some amazing projects from the past using Stars & Stripes and Berries Jubilee.

WOWZERS! All of these wonderful projects will definitely get your creative juices flowing.

If you are new to Trendy Twine, you will want to check out these fun places:
Shop for Trendy Twine HERE
Trendy Twine on Facebook
Trendy Twine on Instagram


  1. Oh my gosh! So many FANTASTIC projects! I love the patriotic Trendy Twines.

  2. I'm always in awe of the patriotic projects! I love the Red, White and Blue!


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